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UK still lagging on FTTH broadband penetration, says report

Monday, February 20th 2012 by Editorial
New data has shown how the UK compares with global competitors on fibre-to-the-home broadband.

The UK currently trails at least 30 other nations in the deployment of fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) broadband, according to the latest global rankings from the FTTH Council.

Countries that have at least one per cent of premises connected to FTTH services were included on the list, with South Korea and the United Arab Emirates topping the chart.

Britain was absent from the rankings once more, as Canada and Malaysia were the only two countries to be added to the list.

Although the deployment of next-generation broadband services has been ramped up across the UK, the FTTH Council confirmed that no European country has managed to join the rankings since 2009.

"We are concerned that there is no new entrant from Europe," commented Chris Holden, president of the FTTH Council Europe.

"Still there is a long way to go to reach the Digital Agenda targets of the European Union," he added.

The latest data was released on the final day of the FTTH Conference, which took place in Munich from February 14th to 16th.