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Fibre optic broadband set to benefit 90 per cent of North Yorkshire

Monday, September 16th 2013 by Paul France
A project to introduce fibre optic broadband to 90 per cent of North Yorkshire is running on schedule.

Plans to introduce fibre optic broadband to 90 per cent of premises in North Yorkshire are running on schedule, according to officials.

The project, named NYnet, aims to install superfast broadband throughout the region by the end of 2014. 

Nine out of ten homes and businesses will have access to speeds of 25Mbps, while a minimum speed of 2Mbps will be guaranteed for every connection.

Project Manager Ian Marr told council representatives that BT has already brought the service within reach of 50,000 of the project's targeted 149,000 premises.

The areas that will receive the superfast service will be chosen by the provider. This has led to criticism from some residents that more rural areas - with less dense populations - will miss out as they are less commercially viable.

However, county councillors have highlighted their hope that additional government funding could lead to the project surpassing the 90 per cent target to cover some previously neglected areas of the region.

NYnet Board Member Councillor Carl Les said: "I'm very optimistic that we're going to get some excellent UK government money to allow us to put some more dots on the map."